Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
71-75 Shelton st. London WC2H 9JQ United Kingdom

Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask Us What you want to know from us

Ji-Consulting is always ready to answer all your question regarding any business & consultancy related topic. If you have more questions than the listed ones, pleas mail us that.

How Do you do your research on business firm?
At Ji-Consulting, we conduct thorough research on business firms using a methodical approach that combines data collection from reliable sources with meticulous analysis to deliver strategic insights.
What method you follow to do market analysis?
At Ji-Consulting, we employ a rigorous methodology for market analysis that includes thorough data collection, comprehensive industry research, competitor benchmarking, and trend analysis. This approach ensures we provide actionable insights to support informed business decisions.
What is the cost of business consultancy ceporting?
The cost of our business consultancy reporting services at Ji-Consulting varies based on the scope and complexity of the project. We offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs, ensuring you receive valuable insights and recommendations aligned with your business objectives.
What is the cost of Accounting & Book keeping Analysis
The cost for our accounting and bookkeeping analysis services at Ji-Consulting is determined based on the complexity and scale of your business operations. We offer customized solutions tailored to meet your financial reporting needs and ensure compliance with industry standards.
How many consultants do you have?
Ji-Consulting boasts a dedicated team of experienced consultants, each bringing specialized expertise across various industries. Our team size varies based on project demands, ensuring we provide optimal support and tailored solutions to meet your business needs effectively.
Do you have the license to operate is UK market?
Yes, Ji-Consulting is licensed to operate in the UK market. We comply with all regulatory requirements and standards to ensure our services meet legal and industry standards, providing clients with confidence in our operations and expertise.
What are the contact address of yours?
You can reach Ji-Consulting at our main office located at 71-75 Shelton st. London WC2H 9JQ United Kingdom,. Additionally, we have satellite offices in London, ensuring convenient access for our clients across the world.
What method you follow to do digital marketing?
At Ji-Consulting, our digital marketing strategy includes comprehensive market research, targeted audience segmentation, strategic content creation, SEO optimization, social media engagement, and performance analytics. This holistic approach ensures effective digital campaigns that drive engagement, conversions, and business growth for our clients.
What method you follow to do investment analysis?
At Ji-Consulting, our investment analysis methodology involves thorough market research, financial modeling, risk assessment, and evaluation of investment opportunities based on client objectives and risk tolerance. We utilize quantitative and qualitative techniques to provide strategic insights and recommendations that align with your investment goals.

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    Contact Info

    Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
    +020.098.456 11

    Office Address

    28 Valencia Street, New York United States of America